Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The solution has been found

Last time I was talking about Firefox I was full of sarcasm about Linux... But somehow everytime we failed to install Firefox; the desire to install it became even stronger... After a week of googling and ending up nowhere, me and my senior at office didn't give up...And at last here we are with the only proper technique to install Firefox on Red Hat Linux ....There an old saying...
Failure is the stepping stone to success....
but for the past 1 week..
Failures were the stepping stone to distress!!!
But the mystery has been solved...And the answer found...

I have put up the solution on my technical blog.... click here to check it

Music is oxygen

Music is like oxygen...I cant even imagine living in a world without music... Its the rhythm of life...It rejuvenates me from stress and tension....Inspires me when my morale is down.. Every occasion has its own suitable music..I have a passion for Rock music... Music adds flavor to our dull lives....

Especially after a long and tiring day listening to my favorite music revives me...I'm sure that your case is no different...

This is what some of my friends had to say about what music means to them in their lives

A big relief .......when u r at a closed - stuffed and jail like office
- Anu
A R Rahman..!!
- Vivek
'As heart beats ensure the liveliness of ur Body. Its Musiq which ensures the liveliness of ur Mind !!'
- Abhi
love , energy , affection, sentiments
- Viswan

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The day i tried to install firefox on linux

Being a die hard Microsoft fan...and a windows user I am finding it difficult to work on Linux...of course I'm not new to it...but windows has such an easy interface...the simplicity offered by it cannot be matched by any available Linux release.

I've got so addicted to firefox that I cant even imagine using any other browser!!!! I have tried many other available options(Safari, IE, Chrome, Opera) but I still feel that nothing can match firefox...Its simply awesome...

But windows has its own just have to click the setup executable and you can sit back and relax..!!! But on Linux..its a completely different story....

Installing firefox can take more time than installing Linux!!! such are the complications of Linux!! Here at this point I would say...that Linux has a great developer friendly environment...but installing something new can really spoil your day!!!

That 's what has happened since the last 3 days... My addiction to firefox made me try to install it on Mandriva 2006...but the in the end I ended up formatting my machine!!! Such are the complications... For 3 complete days I have tried...googled..but still nothing....huh!!!

For a second, I thought about a shot tempered person trying to install firefox or for that matter anything on Linux...and ending up wrecking his PC...!!!

Right now I am trying to install it on red hat Linux enterprise....but it hasn't made matters simple.....

Just imagine....To install firefox you need the following packages....

  • Pixman
  • ATK
  • GTK
  • GLib
  • Pango
  • Cairo
  • Pkg-config
and on top of that there is a specific order...
if you miss it, don't just have to start all over again!!.
to add salt to the wound...only some versions are compatible....So.. dear first timer ..I promise you HELL